Friday, February 18, 2011

Fawk You Friday

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One big Fawk You to who ever started the brush fires right behind our house yesterday. The hubby was on the way home and saw all this smoke. He called and asked if I knew anything about it. I didn't because I was inside laying. I turned on the news and there it was the opening behind us burning down. It got us so worried I started packing. I was freaking out thinking of all my stuff burning into ashes. I would die. The hubs was out back with the water hoes wetting down the ground around us and the house.
So Yes Fawk You who ever you were. Someone did it. There where five fires all the way up the road. Just like someone was riding around and saying, " Hey these people don't need homes. Lets start random stupid fires!" Ass Holes!!!!

There's my Fawking for the week.

Don't forget the hop over to For The Love of Blogs and join Fab Friends Friday too.


Melissa said...

i love this fawk you friday thing...

i would have totally started packing too (probably while flipping out/crying)! i tend to over exaggerate. im glad everything is ok though :)

coming from FTLOB :)

Anonymous said...

See--this further confirms my thoughts that people are completely out of their fawking mind!

So glad you guys were okay and didn't lose anything..that's really scary if you think about it.

Jet-Setting Divas said...

I'd like to give one big Fawk You Friday to my stupid fawking supervisors! Thank god it's the weekend!

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