Monday, May 16, 2011

Worn Out and The Day isn't Even Over Yet

I know I promised a review and giveaway today. I'm truly sorry. Not like anyone gave a crap anyways. LOL.
But I just spent seven hours at the VA with my hubby and his back pain. Not only did I spend the day there, so did our rambunctious little one.
We went to the ER, then got sent to the walk-in clinic. Four hours down, we get sent to get X-rays. Three hours later we go to meds. We were suppose to go get a mold made of his back to fit him for a back brace, but left. He wanted to leave and said he wouldn't wear the damn thing anyways.
We had to wake Skylee up two hours before her normal. She missed normal nap time and man do not mess with her routine. She was good up until the x-ray part. Then the whining began.
Thankfully we got out of there alive and had a great lunch. ( a place I will be reviewing soon also).
Now we're home, hubs is passed out on he couch, Skylee is down for a late nap, and I am here with my eyes half open.
Have a wonderful Monday people and check out the beginning of my story over at Dreams From My Pen.


Nikki said...

I'm sorry you and your husband had such a rough day. The VA is such a joke. It's always "hurry up and wait," which is bad enough when you're dealing the, say, the military in general, but awful when you're dealing with a medical issue. I hope the rest of your week goes much better.

Anonymous said...

praying for you!

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