Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Things I've been doing!

Hello Lovelies!
I have been super busy these past few days. I have been working all week in the mornings and I come home to clean a dirty house and then cook, maybe get some tv in and then go to bed and start all over again. It's been rough, but I'm hanging in there and praying that the weekend gets here soon.
But other that that I have been doing some other things in the little bit of time I do get. So here it is:

Last Friday we went and seen The Avengers. Man was that movie super long. I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. But man I was long.

I've been DVRing TV. That's right I'm cool now, I can watch Two Broke Girls and 16 & Pregnant whenever I want. LOL. 

Man I don't even know why I like 16 & pregnant anymore. But it sucks me in every time. 

I've also been reading 50 Shades of Grey, thanks to a awesome bloggy friend Tara.
I haven't gotten to any of the good parts yet. 
But I do have my vote on who should play Grey in the movie. 
The man...
Oh sexy!!!
I still don't know who I want for Ana yet though. 

And I have been trying to promote Southern Survival Charms as much as possible. 

That's it for my boring life. 

What are y'all up too?

1 comment:

tara said...

i dont even know if i can handle ian playing christian! he is so freaking hot and i have serious lust for him! lol

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